
Build Your Own World

Build Your Own World

Created a tile-exploration game with random world generation, load and save capabilities, toggle sight, and naming features.

Ants vs. Somebees GIF

Ants vs. Somebees

Developed a playable plants vs. zombies spinnoff. Learned Object-Oriented Programming through classes, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, and more.

LED Game Board

LED Game Board

Constructed website for a multi-function game board. Players can choose to play tic-tac-toe, connect 4, battleship, or snake against AI or another player.

NGordnet GIF


Designed backend API's for a web tool that mimicks the funciton of Google's NGram Viewer with Princeton's Wordnet.

MP3 Audio Classifier

MP3 Audio Classifier

Built an mp3 audio classifier to classify sad and happy songs through K-Nearest Neighbors and Support Vector Machines. Achieved a classification accuracy of over 90%.